Sparkassen Open Receives ATP Challenger Award In London

Volker Jäcke (l.) and Harald Tenzer with the „ATP Challenger Award“ at London’s O2 Arena (photo: Brunswiek Marketing GmbH)

LONDON, November 20, 2015

The Sparkassen Open in Braunschweig received the ATP Challenger Of The Year Award as the world’s best tournament in this category. The official trophy was handed over by the Excecutive Chairman and ATP President Chris Kermode as well as ATP Challenger Director Joanna Langhorne at the season finale in London.

Chris Kermode (l.) with Harald Tenzer and Volker Jäcke (photo: Brunswiek Marketing GmbH

Chris Kermode (l.) with Harald Tenzer and Volker Jäcke (photo: Brunswiek Marketing GmbH)

“We are ambassadors for the city of Braunschweig and its region. Media from all over the world reported from our tournament. Receiving the award is an honour, pleasure as well as an incentive. We regard the award as a confirmation for our hard work during the last couple of years, an appreciation for our strong teamwork, but also as a big motivation for the future,” told Harald Tenzer, organinzer and CEO of the Brunswiek Marketing GmbH.

“We would like to thank all of our sponsors, who made this event possible, as well as our partners, the entire organiziation team and the spectators,” he added.

Filip Krajinovic captured the title in Braunschweig in 2015 winning the final against Paul-Henri Mathieu.