Judy Murray To Visit Hamburg European Open

Judy Murray – photo: Nürnberger Versicherungscup

HAMBURG, July 1, 2019

Judy Murray will take time out from watching her tennis star sons Andy and Jamie to visit the Hamburg European Open this summer. The British tennis expert will be hosting a kids’ clinic on July 26th and 27th, a workshop for coaches and a camp for parents and children.

“I am really looking forward to Judy, she’s one of the world’s best coaches for me, and she’s a great personality. Anyone who has ever experienced Judy is impressed with her. She is extremely motivated and funny at the same time,” tournament director Sandra Reichel said.

Looking ahead to her visit to Hamburg, Judy Murray gave a quick interview to the tournament’s website.

Hamburg European Open: What kind of memories do you have regarding the ATP Hamburg tournament and the city of Hamburg?

Judy Murray: First memories were watching Andy play James Blake in Hamburg 2006. It was Andy’s birthday and some of the local school kids in the crowd had made a banner and sang ‘Happy birthday’ in English. They also had a Scottish flag. 

I also remember that it rained and I saw the umbrella roof being closed. I had never anything like it. I didn’t see much of the city but I remember that it was very clean and tidy. And I remember the lake and that many of the players ran around it.

You have been to Linz and Nuremberg to work with Sandra. What’s the atmosphere like at tournaments that Sandra organizes? 

I love Sandra’s energy and the incredible relationship she has with her team, her sponsors and with the players. She is always looking for ways to make the player and fan experience better and to engage the local community with the event she runs.

What are you looking forward the most when you come to Hamburg in July? 

I always enjoy being on court with kids and sharing ideas with local coaches. But I also like the opportunity to practice my German. Auf geht’s!